5MX is a routine of 5 Mindful Exercises. It was inspired by the Canadian Airforces 5BX exercise program in the 1960s. Instead of focusing on cardio 5MX involves gentle stretching exercises and mindfulness however. I created the 5MX because I wanted something simple that I could do which would give me the benefits of yoga, tai chi and meditation but I could learn and do anywhere without going to a class.
The 5MX routine only takes 5 minutes and its a great way to start the day. Anyone can learn 5MX and it can be done anywhere. Doing 5MX will help you feel calm and relaxed and ready to take on the day after doing 5MX. The exercises in 5MX combine physical movement and mindfulness. They help you be aware of your body and help with concentration. Mindfulness has been shown to measurably improve ones mental wellbeing.
MX 1
1. Stand up straight, feet in a slight V and hands by side with palms facing forward. Close your eyes and slowly breath in through your nose paying attention to the sensation of the air entering your body. The slowly breath out through your mouth paying attention to the air leaving your body. Concentrate on your posture and the sensation of breathing. Repeat this 10 times. Improved body posture can increase ones self confidence. Concentrating on your breathing is a form of meditation.
MX 2
2. Standing up straight start with your arms by your side. Breath in slowly and reach your arms up high. Then breath out slowly and lower your arms to your side. Repeat 10 times. This is a great stretch to loosen you up after sleeping all night or sitting in a chair for an extended period of time at work.
MX 3
3. Standing up straight slowly breath in and reach down towards the ground with your hands. Breath slowly out and stand up again. Repeat 5 times. This is great for loosening your back.
MX 4
4. Stand on one leg. Breath in slowly and lower down, bending your knee and keeping back straight. Breath out slowly and rise up again. Repeat 5 times. Do same thing on other leg. This is great for balance and strengthening your legs.
MX 5
5. Breath in and slowly stand on tip toes. Breath out and slowly lower down again. Repeat 5 times. This is great for the calf muscles which are known as the heart of the lower body.
I do the 5MX routine every morning when I get up but they are great to do any point during the day. During your lunch break at work is another great time to do them as is right after you get home from work. I recommend doing them at the same time each day to help make them a habit however.