Numerous studies have shown that expressing gratitude on a regular basis will measurably improve happiness. When you start a practice of gratitude it can be hard to think of things to be grateful for. As with everything in life, the more you do it the easier it becomes. Here is a list of things you can be grateful for to help you get started. 1. Health. If you are healthy, be grateful for that. If your health isn’t perfect, be grateful for the ailments you don’t have. 2. Hearing. Be grateful you still have your hearing. 3. Sight. Be grateful you can see. 4. Waking up. Be grateful you woke up today. 5. Healthcare. Be grateful you live somewhere with access to healthcare. 6. Children. Be grateful for your children. 7. Friends. Be grateful you have friends. 8. Parents. If your parents are still alive, be grateful for them. 9. Pets. If you have a pet, be grateful for the unconditional love they give you. 10. Weekends. ...