Everything is not as it seems
Common wisdom says that some things are obviously “bad.” The truth isn’t always as black and white though. Here are some bad habits that can actually be good for you.
Missing breakfast
Everyone knows that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This wisdom was propagated by Dr John Kellogg the inventor of Kelloggs cornflakes – the popular breakfast cereal. Several studies have found that occasional fasting may help some people lose weight. Studies have also found that the practice of fasting for 16 hours a day may be as effective as dieting for some people.
Caffeine is so bad that the state of California states that coffee should be labled as a carcinogenic. Inspite of this several studies have suggested that drinking (moderate amounts of) coffee may reduce the risk of cancer and help with heart health.
Fatty foods
In the 1990’s the USDA started suggesting that people should eat low fat diets to lose weight. However one trial found people people following this diet lost little if any weight. Dieticians now say that we should eat healthy fats like those found in nut, fish and avocado.
Energy drinks
Energy drinks like Red Bull have a reputation for being particularly unhealthy. Infact sugar free Red Bull has less caffeine than a regular sized Starbucks coffee and also contains vitamin B.
The phase “everything in moderation” is especially true when it comes to alcohol. The Mediterranean diet which has been studied extensively and be shown to be one of the healthiest in the world includes one glass of red wine a day. In addition people who drink one glass of wine a day have been shown to have lower risks of Alzheimers.
Chocolate tastes so good it must be bad for you. And eating 5 candy bars a day probably isn’t good for you. However eating a small amount of dark chocolate provides anti-oxidants, may lower blood pressure, raises HDL levels and may improve brain function.
Long workouts
If you can’t workout for 30 minutes a day there is no point in bothering, correct? Not exactly! The New York Times published a 7 minute workout that has been shown to be as good for you as a 30 minute workout. The British NHS also have a brisk 10 minute walking program which has been shown to be very beneficial. These short HIIT workouts may actually be better for you than other forms of exercise.