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How to make 12 new habits a year

“I will start tomorrow”

Tomorrow is a magical day. “I will start going to the gym tomorrow.” “I will start eat salad for lunch tomorrow.” “I will start meditating tomorrow.” “I will sort out the basement tomorrow.” “I will go for a run tomorrow.” “I will stop eating a packet of cookies while I watch TV tomorrow.” “I will put away the laundry tomorrow.” 

I have some bad news for you. Tomorrow never comes! If you wait until “tomorrow” to start a good habit – you never will!

How can you make 12 new habits a year

At the start of every year, people get excited and set new years resolutions. The idea of new years resolutions goes back to the Babylonians and the Romans. They would make promises to the gods to do good things at the start of each year.

January 1st is honestly no better than any other day of the year to start a new habit. If you are inspired to make a good change – start today! If you aren’t inspired to make a good change today then set a reminder in your calendar for the 1st of every month to start a new habit.

It takes more than one month to build a new habit. (In fact on average it takes 66 days or about two months.) I suggest following this schedule:

Set new habit #1. 

Start new habit #2. Evaluate habit #1 and either stop or increase it.

Rinse and repeat.

The great thing about making a commitment to start a new habit on the first day of every new month is you don’t have to wait for inspiration or for January 1st!

The habit habit.

Make making a new habit every month a habit. Set a reminder in your calendar for the 1st of every month to start a new habit. If you stick to this habit you will create 12 new habits in a year. Even if only half your new habits stick – six new habits is better than one failed new years resolution!